America to Launch World’s Largest Solar Project: With Highway Solar Panels

by | Nov 16, 2024 | News | 0 comments

A study “Roofing Highways With Solar Panels Substantially Reduces Carbon Emissions and Traffic Losses” published in Earth’s Future highlights that the global highway network, extended over 3.2 million kilometers, could generate up to 17,578 TWh of electricity every year by covering highways with solar panels. 

The researchers of this study have stated that this is more than 60% of the world’s total energy consumption in the year 2023. 

The project could also decrease global carbon emissions by 28% and lower road accident rates by up to 11%

Ling Yao, the lead author of the study, shared her surprise at the results, saying, “I didn’t realize highways alone could meet such a large portion of the world’s electricity demand.”

In countries like the United States, China, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland pilot projects have already been tested. However, challenges are there in such a big project, the idea is to install over 50 billion solar panels across highways.

The efficiency of the solar panels would depend on local weather and climate. Some regions might not get enough sunlight to make the system work well. 

Additionally, the energy saved by the panels depends on how much they can replace electricity from fossil fuels. The study also mentions that the construction of the solar highway could take over a year to compensate for the carbon emissions caused by its building process.

As the world enters the fifth industrial revolution, technology is moving faster than ever. Green energy innovation is at its highest point, and building a global solar panel network is no longer a matter of maybe! 

The research in Earth’s Future shows promising results, and If this project is successfully implemented, it could produce four times more energy than what the United States generates in a year. 

Researchers believe this is a step toward a greener future despite the high cost and need for regular maintenance.  As the world looks for ways to reduce fossil fuel use, innovative ideas like this can play a major role.

With technological development, and improving renewable energy every day, a solar-powered global highway may soon become a reality, bringing us closer to a sustainable future.


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