Prime Minister Modi inaugurated the 38th National Games in Uttarakhand on January 28, 2025. The Himalayan state has hosted such a significant sporting event for the first time, and it promises to be a green and sustainable affair.
Special Principal Secretary (Sports) Mr. Amit Sinha is leading the effort. He said, “This is not just a sporting event; it’s a movement.” The games will mainly use solar power and feature medals made from recycled electronic waste.
A special project, the “Sports Van” initiative, will plant a tree for every medal won. These trees will grow in a designated area near Dehradun, creating a lasting green legacy from the games. Mr. Sinha added, “We aim to inspire athletes and positively affect our environment and communities.”
The event is set as a model for sustainable sports. Decorations and selfie points are made from e-waste and discarded sports gear. Venues use solar heating to reduce reliance on non-renewable energy.
Athletes will receive medals and certificates made from biodegradable materials. Trophies are crafted from e-waste and wood waste. Event branding avoids plastic, opting for cloth to minimize waste. Electric vehicles are transporting players and officials around.
A new “Khel Van” (Sport Forest) will be established with 10,000 trees. The Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, equipped with a 2 MW solar rooftop, will also power part of the stadium.
The 38th National Games, under the theme “Sankalp Se Shikhar Tak” (From Resolution to Pinnacle), aims to set a new standard in integrating sports excellence with environmental sustainability.
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