China – The world’s leader in producing electricity from renewable energy is creating histories worldwide in installing solar, wind, and other renewable energy.
They installed 216 GW of solar capacity last year. China is also the biggest emitter of heat-trapping gases. Though China’s renewable energy is increasing, still they rely on coal for electricity and aim to establish more coal-fired plants. They are in a rush to establish more solar and wind power plants.
The Growth of electricity demand in China needs high-tech industries such as batteries. China is aggressively dominating the renewable technologies market like solar panels, and electric vehicles which is putting other countries under pressure.
China is making investments in renewable energy and manufacturing to give benefits to other countries that lack these kinds of industries. However, China is the top producer and consumer of coal globally. Emissions created by that are in huge amounts since the year 2020.
China continues to construct industries of coal on a large scale to fill the gaps in the supply of electricity whenever solar wind or any renewable energy are not available. Officials of the country think that coal mining and jobs related to coal industries should continue. However, this will continue to create harm to the environment because of harmful carbon emissions.