India is facing a very high temperature which is resulting in high demand for power supply. The report says using renewable energy like solar and wind can be a better option for future sustainability rather than coal and gas-based. 

Rising heatwaves in India are now pushing electricity demand to record levels, almost reaching 240 GW.  However, a recent report by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) predicts that this will not work for so long. The reports further stated that India should not depend upon gas-powered electricity generation as we can already see development and success in renewable energy and energy storage solutions. 

The researchers declared the high costs of gas-powered electricity in India, particularly when domestic gas supplies are cheaper than imported LNG. Energy specialist of IEEFA, Purva Jain commented “Gas-based power plants have a limited role in meeting peak demand, even in the short term. Their role is likely to diminish in the coming years as the government looks to innovative tendering to ensure round-the-clock availability of renewable energy.” 

The government is starting the process of development in grid-scale Energy Storage Systems (ESS) and firm and dispatchable renewable energy (FDRE) solutions. This advancement is very important for managing the variability of solar and wind energy. 

India still uses gas power for electricity generation, however, the government is changing. They are starting to use solar energy more often. When it’s daytime, solar energy makes enough of the power that can be supplied. The government is also trying to bring unused non-operation power plants.

Researchers from IFFEA advised that to reduce the costs using domestic gas to power plants would be a much better option. It can lower the tariffs from Rs 13.70 per unit to Rs 5.83 per unit, this was the lowest bid in April 2023 for gas-based power supply.  India’s most power generation is done in day time, when solar energy can play a significant role.  Therefore for a longer period using solar and wind energy would be beneficial rather than coal or gas-based power supply.

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Our Perspective
India is facing scorching heat waves giving rise to the demand for power supply in the country. Now this is the point where we can use our renewable sources to supply electricity. As demand rises in the daytime solar panels can play a prominent role and can generate solar energy. Further peak demand is also shifting to months where wind energy can be the player.