Google has invested in Taiwan’s New Green Power, a BlackRock-owned solar company. This has given them a chance to purchase up to 300 MW of clean energy so that they can reduce carbon emissions and that of their suppliers. 

Companies are forced to decrease the greenhouse gas emissions from their supply chains and the functioning of work for sustainability. Big tech companies and investors are pushing towards the change and have set some goals.

Google is trying to aim towards carbon-free energy wherever they are operating to sustain clean energy. Though this sector utilizes a massive amount of power for data processing, it is more important for them to use renewable energy like solar and wind power to the greatest extent. 

Amanda Peterson Corio, Google’s Global Head of Data Center Energy informed Reuters that Taiwan being the utmost site for Google’s cloud technology with data centres and offices is dependent upon fossil fuels to generate electricity for approximately 85%. Corio said, “The goal of this investment is really to support the build-out of a large-scale solar pipeline in Taiwan”.

In some parts of Asia, it is difficult to clean up their energy due to their older infrastructure and rules which makes it difficult for the companies to buy clean power.

New Green Power is a company in Taiwan that is leading in developing and operating solar power. NGP is owned by the BlackRock Climate Infrastructure business.  

Google and BlackRock have refused to mention the values of equity taken in NGP, but Corio has assured to build a new solar farm that will supply 1 GW of power.

Taiwan is aiming to produce 20 GW of solar capacity by 2025 and up to 80 GW by 2050, said to BlackRock. According to Corio, Google will buy solar energy to operate their business and they may even share with their suppliers and manufacturers. Sharing the clean power with them will create an impact on Google to reduce pollution and lower its Scope 3 emissions.

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