India’s production of solar power hit a six-year low in the first half of 2024, according to grid data. The country is further using coal to meet the rising electricity demand.

According to Grid-India data, electricity generated from coal has increased to 10.4% during six months of 2024 (Jan – June 2024). Overall electricity generation grew up to 9.7% during the same period.

Despite solar power being the third largest producer of electricity globally. India produced more solar power in the first half of 2024. It reached 63.6 billion kilowatt-hours, which is a 14.7% increase from the same time last year.

Since 2015, the country has been using solar and wind power more than any other resource to generate electricity. But, this year to meet the rapid demand for power generation coal is an easy option to produce electricity.

Countries in South Asia including Indonesia, the Philippines, Bangladesh, and Vietnam are burning coal to generate power as it is cheaper than any other resource. All these nations used non-renewable resources, specifically coal to the extent of 77.1% in 2024 comparing it with last year it was 76.6%.

India’s total electricity generation is expected to rise in fiscal year March 2025, which can create the fastest growth in over a decade. Coal power will result in growth to 8.9% by 2025 and total output for renewable energy will reach 8.2%. Analysts assume that power generated by renewable sources will boost faster in the upcoming fiscal year due to green energy projects.

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